About us

Glen has over 20 years of specialist work within the education, training and community engagement fields, having dedicated his professional career to working in disadvantaged communities through regeneration.
Glen’s expertise includes specialised youth work with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of young people, restorative justice, conflict resolution, alternative education and social enterprise.
Glen’s creative and innovative approach to deal with issues within communities and support social regeneration has won plaudits throughout his career focussing on the North of England. More recently, his social enterprise pub Eagle and Child, Ramsbottom was awarded UK Pub of the Year in 2017 and he was awarded ‘Publican of the Year’ in 2020 for his work to promote social change within the sector.
Glen studies spirituality and practices yoga and meditation to support his health and wellbeing.

Richard’s previous career was in sales and marketing, from international sales and distribution, several years at the BBC and latterly 10 years running a TV post production company.
It was his lived experience of Bipolar Disorder that motivated him to want to make a difference and support others with their mental health challenges by being a community advocate. On selling his business in Manchester in 2010, Richard was introduced to Stubbylee Community Greenhouses and East Lancashire Recovery College, a Charity supporting mental health in East Lancashire. Richard was invited to become a Trustee that year and has continued to mentor other participants at the Greenhouses, as part of his role.
Richard’s experience with Mindfulness, yoga and meditation for managing his own health and wellbeing, led him to train in Mindfulness and Advanced Mindfulness (British Mindfulness Institute) and soon after put course materials together to run Mindfulness courses at East Lancashire Recovery College.
Get in touch
Email us using the form below
Or speak to Richard on 07786 261485